Not so many years ago, people organised themselves to form family communities. Everyone knew their place, knew where they belonged and what was expected of them. From birth till death, humans were part of an organic whole, an organism that consisted solely of smaller components working in conjunction. 

The identity crisis in discovering oneself was much rarer, humans were never lonely, their lives always had "purpose". Unlike today, where the world moves rapidly, and the units of togetherness become fewer. 

In this picture, I painted three people; all looking towards someplace blind to the observer, mimicking the path many take in life; moving in one direction, unknowing of the destination. Their eyes emit an emptiness as everyone is busy within themselves, wearing fashionable clothes and living in a highly stylized world. 

Now, Individualism comes first. Your own shadow accompanies you. For the woman in the middle, the shadow is gray, for the man on the right it is yellow. It symbolizes that today we are not just one person, but several. Social media allows us to present a multitude of ourselves, we have a profile on Facebook and one on Instagram, at work, we write e-mails and gain more virtual presence; extending the personas we possess. 

We have every freedom today to be who we want, but are we really freer and happier?

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