About my Art
At the centre of my paintings are my feelings and the path my life has taken. The process of creating a painting begins with an event, person or encounter which inspired me. I have a collection of various photos and pictures ranging from magazines to the images i compile inside my mind; which I merge to create a collage which is then painted as a silhouette onto the canvas. Bringing the canvas alive with a cacophony of colour, merged into a background. 
The characters in my paintings are often followed by one or more shadows, using the mythological ideas from many cultures, the shadows mimic the reflection of the soul;  the "second ego" of man. For me, it also represents the different identities of a person. We live in a time where for example social media influences our lives every day. We become self-proponents not only in our usual lives, but also in virtual life, taking on a multitude of personalities and identities - it is these different identities I aim to show through the colourful shadows.
The array of colours within my art is inspired by different cultures. As the daughter of an Indian father and a Swiss mother, distant worlds have always interested me. I mix most colours with a base tone of white, providing the paintings with a "retro look". It also reinforces the aesthetics of a dream world in which the characters live. I explore the topic of "self-discovery" and take a critical look at the individualism of today's society.

As a serious boxer since the age of 15 I am committed to showcasing strong women such as soldiers, boxers or business women in my paintings and give underrepresented subjects a voice.
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